
The NSPCC's definition of safeguarding:

"the action that is taken to promote the welfare of children and protect them from harm".

In order to safeguard children we must protect them from abuse and maltreatment, prevent harm to their health or development, ensure they grow up in safe and effective care and we must take action to enable them all to have the best outcomes.


Our Designated Safeguarding Lead is: Tracey Carter

Our safeguarding deputies are: Angela West and Keeley Banks


In order to keep children safe we have policies & procedures in place that everyone must adhere to.
We have the following security measures in place:

  • locks on gates
  • intercom on the main door which remains locked until opened from the inside
  • all visitors have to report to the office, to be ID checked and signed in
  • Only named persons are allowed to pick up children, unless they have been given consent and a password by the main carer
  • all staff have regular supervisions and CRB checks

All staff have regular training around safeguarding children and we have thorough recruitment procedures.



Safeguarding Policy